Sunday, November 10, 2013

You may know that I almost always include a story with each of my paintings whether in a show or on my website. When I was getting ready for my "first ever" exhibit in 2000, I decided to put a label by each painting with a description of what inspired me to do the painting along with whatever personal information I had about the day, the experience - whatever was important to me about that painting. I remember thinking that either the audience would enjoy my notes, or not. As it turned out, everyone  who purchased a painting asked to have the label; and some who had short notes on their label asked me to write more about that painting and send it to them!

Now, I find that I am often asked to put into words why someone would want to buy my paintings, or what makes my work any different from someone else. Needless to say, this is a hard question for me to answer. So I thought I would ask the experts!

I am writing to ask if you would send an email to me with a comment about what you enjoy about my paintings. Anything at all. Your thoughts would be a big help.
If you have one of my paintings in your home, I'd love to have a photo of you with the painting that I could put on the "Comments from Collectors" page of my website. It's so nice to see a painting in its surroundings, with all the color and personality of your home.